Monday, March 2, 2009


Glenn Coyne

Bullies, we have all been there in some way. We all seen someone getting bullied or maybe bullied are selves, but we do not normal stand up for the people getting bullied. We have seen the hurt that bullies cause and the consequences that can happen when kids get push to hard. We need to ask ourselves some important question about the make up of bullies and what can be done. This is something that can affect you the rest of your life it not just something that happens in high school.
What is a bully? According to Webster dictionary a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. We know what a bully is now why bully someone? We sometimes do it with out even thinking that we are bulling someone. We are scared of things that are different then us. Other Bullies have not really learned to share and like things done their way. Jealous is another big reason. These are what and why but other thing make up bulling.
Anyone can get bullied for anything. We do not like to get bullied and this make us want to get back. Due to this aspect events like Columbine happen. Middle school is where the highest level of bulling goes on. This is because this is the time when we are trying the hardest to fix in an act as bystanders afraid to challenge the bully. One person called them mirror less master of menaces because he could not understand how they looked at themselves. Up to 160,000 students miss school a day in fear of bully. There are also consequences for being a bully. At an extreme you have school shooting and other violence to that matter, but less act happen as well for the most part girls talk and boys hit.
As teachers we must not allow bulling no good can come of it. One thing we can tell people is not to act back with violence. You can educate the parents and of course step up and help. To allow bulling can end lives and keep others in fear. Schools is where bulling is the strongest, an as teachers we need to do all that we can to make sure as little as possible happens. The best way I can see is to educate let them know all that bulling brings, then question them to think why they would feel the need to do it in the first place.

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